Different types of writing have guidelines about how to write in order to present information that’s clear and easy to read and understand.
- essays
- research papers
- letters (do people still write letters?)
- postcards
- tweets
- blog posts, comments and replies
WORLI-TUTORIALS™ are easy, one step at a time guidelines about how to write a good comment and reply. By learning and putting into practice useful Internet writing skills – the TEN (10) STEPS – you improve your your writing skills here at WORLITOP™.
WORLI-TUTORIALS™ are your best resource for answers, so you should refer to these pages when you need help writing comments and replies.
- STEP-01: CLEAR & EASY TO READ – There are many ways to write and post content on the Internet. By taking this course, you learn how to write and post comments and replies using the proper WORLITOP™ format, so your comments and replies are always clear and easy to read.
- STEP-02: SEVEN (7) PARTS OF A COMMENT – Because writing and posting a comment is similar to giving a short presentation, a comment has the same parts often found in the presentation. By taking this course, you learn how to include the greeting, status question, status statement, purpose statement, main idea, conclusion, and closing when you write comments.
- STEP-03: EIGHT (8) PARTS OF A REPLY – Because writing and posting a reply is similar to having a one-on-one discussion with someone who has given a presentation, a reply has the same parts often found in the discussion. By taking this course, you learn how to include the greeting, status question, status statement, purpose statement, restatement, main idea, conclusion, and closing when you write replies.
- STEP-04: CLEAR & EASY TO UNDERSTAND – Fundamental principles of grammar, sentence structure, word choice, and organization are often disregarded with regard to Internet content. By taking this course, you learn how to use online resources so you can check and improve your ability to write and post clear and easy to understand comments and replies.
- STEP-05: CAPITALIZATION – Internet content tends to be less focused on how capital letters are used. By taking this course, you learn how to write and post comments and replies using 10 rules of capitalization covered in the course.
- STEP-06: PUNCTUATION – Internet content also tends to focus less on how punctuation is used. By taking this course, you learn how to write and post comments and replies using 10 types of punctuation covered in the course.
- STEP-07: SPELLING – Although this may seem easy, spelling words correctly is sometimes an overlooked skill. By taking this course, you learn how to check spelling with an electronic dictionary, and/or with web-based, spell-checking applications.
- STEP-08: RELATES TO THE TOPIC – The function of the purpose statement (in addition to the restatement) is similar to the function of a topic sentence. By taking this course, you learn how to write ideas that directly relate to and support the purpose statement of a comment, and directly relate to and support the restatement of a reply.
- STEP-09: BALANCE – This includes the relationship between the parts of a comment and reply in terms of the relative number of words. By taking this course, you learn how to write comments and replies that have good balance with regard to the the other parts.
- STEP-10: INTERESTING – Being able to write interesting content is not an easy task. By taking this course, you learn how to write interesting comments and replies by presenting new and/or different ideas that engage and encourage readers to participate in online, written discussion.